Saturday, August 21, 2010


Hello everyone-

      I did not get to write you yesterday about my first friday, so I decided I would do so now. Nikki left for Haiti in the morning, so I had to walk to school by myself. It actually was not bad. I decided to take the Conde because I feel more safe there when I am alone. I am beginning to realize that I am safe everywhere I go, I just need to ignore peoples comments. I also am trying to find a way to stay cool on my walks to school. By the time I get inside of the school, I am dripping in sweat. The teachers always laugh at me. I hope my body adapts soon because I am constantly feeling sticky! I tried walking with an umbrella, but that doesn't do much. One of these days something will work out. Maybe when its September or October and it is not so hot here!
    After school I took a nap because I am still trying to catch up on some sleep. It felt really great. When I woke up, I snacked on one of the most amazing orange muffins from a bakery across the street and today I plan to go get some more. The bakeries here are SO cheap. I got a cookie, muffin a couple fried chicken sticks and some mozzarella sticks for like 1.50 in American dollars. I LOVE the exchange rate here. After my snack, I updated my Facebook a bit and chatted with my sister Luissina. We decided at the last second we would go to a movie. We saw Grown Ups. I was surprised at how nice the theater was. It was 3 stories and it had air conditioning. I can honestly say last night was the first time I was cold since I have been here, and it felt great! The movie was in English so that was even better. And to top it off, it only cost 3 dollars. Also, we both got a drink and some popcorn and it was only another 4 dollars. So with food, drinks and both our tickets, it cost about how much it is for only a ticket in Oregon. I think we will make this a regular thing because I had a ton of fun. After the movie we went to Luissina's friend Victors house to hang out for a bit. We all walked towards the beach where they have a bunch of open bars, ice cream and food places, live bands and people dancing salsa and meringue EVERYWHERE. This was my first taste of the Dominican nightlife, and I must say I could get used to it. We decided last night we would all take a trip to Juan Dolio, the beach I was supposed to go to the other day. That is our plan for this afternoon. I will update you all with pictures and stories. I have been waiting to see a nice Caribbean beach since I got here. Things keep looking up, and my new goal is 2 months. The only thing holding me back is the weather, I hate it.

I miss the fresh and green Northwest. I appreciate home so much more after only being here a week. Hope all is well up North. Talk to you soon.


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