Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Hurricane is coming!

Weather changed today friends. There is a ton of wind and rain headed our way as Hurricane Earl is slowly passing by us. We are all crossing our fingers that he does not change paths, because if this is the case, the Dominican Republic will get hit directly. For now he is looking good. I am enjoying the weather because I can actually breathe again. The only down side is that the win is stirring up stuff in the air and really causing my allergies to have some problems. The next hurricane, Fiona, is looking even bigger. Right now she is only a tropical storm, but is gaining strength as she moves north. My friend Fiona is pretty excited that a storm is named after her. Hopefully she does not give us a reason to remember her. We are all being very alert down here. It really is scary knowing that there is a storm that could hit, and there is nothing we can do. My host mom Gertrudys is being very protective, and I do not mind it at this point!

Since the weather is horrible, Fiona and I spent the day at both malls. We actually realized that they were not as expensive as we thought. Also, Dominican fashion is actually really cute. I hate to say it, but I must do some shopping before I come back! For the rest of the evening, I need to do some homework, shower and eat, and meet my friends for a drink at the Colmada. Hope all is well at home. Pray for the storm to pass right through, we could really use it.


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