Monday, August 16, 2010

My first day in Santo Domingo

Wow. Besides that fact that I can hardly breathe due to the humidity here, I love it. The ride from the airport was such a culture shock for me. We past shanty town after shanty town and I could not believe my eyes. All the rivers were dirt brown and some kids were even wading in the water. And as for driving, Dominicans are maniacs. Tons of honking and lane changes without using a blinker. My host mother Gertrudys is absolutely amazing and crazy. She is already talking my ear off. She loves to show me pictures of the children and tell me stories about her family! I have two host sisters who are the same age as me and I have a little brother who is 11. I have not met them yet but they will be home later tonight. Gertrudys' best friend picked me up at the airport and she has two friends visiting from France. We all plan to go into town tonight so I can get introduced to the City life and see where my school is. It is borderline what I expected, but I was really nervous on the ride from the airport to my house. I have my own bedroom and bathroom, and right away I was offered food, juice and fresh water. I had the opportunity to talk to my dad on the phone when I arrived and he tried to tell me that I had the wrong number! I called from Gertrudys' phone so I am assuming he thought someone else was trying to claim him. I got a little teary eyed while I spoke with him because I miss them dearly, but I know I will be fine. 3 months seems forever from now, but this is a great experience, and one that may never happen again. I must get to unpacking. I have a fan in my room, but the temperature already seems unbearable. Oh well, I guess thats life. I have internet at my house every other five minutes so I know I can keep this thing going. Miss everyone tons.

Hasta pronto!

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