Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Mi primero dia en el escuela

Hola mis amgios-
Hoy fue mi primero dia en la escuela de Hispanola. Mis profesoras son muy simpaticos!
      I had a bit of a rough start this morning. I met a girl names Nikki who is another student from school. She is here for another two weeks and is from California. It is nice to have another American around to talk to. However, she likes to have a little more fun than I do, and I do not trust the city or the people enough yet to join. (Who knows if I ever will) Anyway, I walked to school with her as she talked my ear off about the city. After a 4 hour morning at school, I was then notified by her she had class until 3 and unless I wanted to stay for an extra three hours with nothing to do, I would have to find my way back to my house. This was probably the hardest experience that I have had since I have been here (given its my second day so obviously I have not ran into much). On my walk home, I was approached by 101 men telling me how beautiful I was, they wanted to date me, etc. etc. I was followed for several blocks and not to mention it was pouring down rain because we were in the middle of a thunder/lightening storm and it was the craziest one that I have ever been in or seen. It is hurricane season down here so I should be expecting a ton more. By the time I reached home, I was not only sweating because of the humidity here, but because I was so scared about what had just happened.
     So far, it is not what I expected. I knew it would be a culture shock, but not this bad. I called my dad on skype and just started balling because I wanted to come home. Of course being the dad that he is said he would arrange something but I know the second I get home, it would not be what I wanted. He told me to set a 30 day goal for myself since that is so much shorter than 3 months. If I can make it to 30 days and it is still as hard and bad as I feel now, he will send me home. But if I make it to 30 days and things are getting better, I will set another goal for myself. I think that it is a great idea :) So as for now, I need to make it the first month and then I will look further into the future.
     As for my family, again they are SO amazing. The food they are providing me is delicious. There are so many fresh fruits here it makes me happy. As most of you know, I don't eat fruit when I am home, but I cannot resist it here, it is great. Last night I gave my sisters Patty and Luissina and my little brother Alian salt water taffy I had brought for them from the Oregon coast and they LOVED it. Patty even ate some for breakfast this morning (clearly we are the same person). My sisters make things easier on me because they speak English and can help translate for me. Even though they speak English, doesnt mean they will speak it to me all the time. They force me to try everything at least once in Spanish and then they will correct me (in English) if I am not comprehending. We just finished our lunch and Gertrudys made us a very good pasta as well as sweet bananas, plantains and cheesy potatoes. Before my trip I thought that I would lose weight, but after her cooking, I am starting to change my mind. Well I have some homework to do from my first day at school so I better get to it.
As for now, hasta lueogo mis amigos! I will update you all soon!



  1. Hey Elle!
    Wow, your first day sounds... interesting. I'm sure it will get better, and I know that if I was in your shoes I would have done the EXACT same thing!! Please stay safe, and it sounds like you are smart enough to not "trust" everything/everyone you see or meet. :) I can't wait to read more about your adventure(s)!!

  2. Ahh Elle! You can do it! Being in a foreign country on your own can be a bit overwhelming, but it sounds like you have love and support all around you! Believe me if you can stick it out it will be all worth it! Im so happy that you are doing this blog, i am totally going to check in on your crazy adventures! im so excited for you!!! have a blast and be safe!!!

  3. Hi Elle: Hang in there sweetie. Your dad gave you great advice and just try to take it day by day. Before you know it the 30 days will have flown by, the rainy season will end and you'll be getting around like an old pro. Then you'll be ready for the next 30 days. I'm enjoying your blog so keep writing.
