Monday, August 30, 2010

La Isla Saona

Hello friends-

Yesterday I woke up to one of the worst things imaginable, followed by a day in paradise. At 3:30 in the morning, I woke up to 2 giant cock roaches crawling up my leg and next to me on my bed. It was the most disgusting thing I have ever experienced. I screamed and my host mom woke up. I spent the rest of the night in my host sisters room on the extra bed. I could hardly sleep because I was paranoid. When I came home last night, she had completely cleaned my entire room and raided it with bug spray. She had gone through all my clothes and did my laundry as well as re-fold and organize all my clothes and shelves. I was in heaven. My mosquito net was re-hung and it worked great last night. But as for the rest of my day yesterday... Nothing can begin to describe the Isla Saona. It was beyond words. I have never been to a more beautiful place in my life. (I have not been many places, but still).

Yesterday was one of the most amazing days I have ever had minus the sun burns I currently have! We started with an hour bus ride to La Romana where we caught a booze cruise Catamaran ride for about an hour to the island. The entire boat was full of Spanish speakers and all attention was on Fiona and I because we spoke english, and had white skin (later to be the brightest red imaginable). We took several pictures, laid on the nets the whole way gazing down at the water below, and drank some rum and coke. We were in paradise. Except the only mistake we made was to start the day with SPF 8 lotion. I am completely regretting this! By the time we reached the island, I was really anxious. For about a mile off the beach, the water was completely clear. I have never in my 22 years of life seen anything like it. I have never seen anything more beautiful. White sand and palm trees covered the entire vacant island.

Right when we got there, we were greeted by other tourist boats, fresh juice and a delicious BBQ. We decided to swim a little before we ate because we needed to cool off. After swimming and relaxing for a while, we decided to eat our lunch. We had bbq fish and chicken, pasta with lobster, salads, fresh fruit, bread, marinated vegetables etc, etc. It was buenisimo! During lunch we tried to converse with an Italian couple who were extremely friendly. We really enjoyed their company. After lunch, we applied more sunscreen (this time SPF 30) and then swam and played some more. We were there for another 2 hours. We were approached by so many people who wanted to take our pictures and speak English with us. B the end of the trip, we were exhausted. After we left the island, we got into a smaller race boat, put on our life jackets, and went for a crazy ride in the ocean. My butt and back are still sore from the waves/bumps. They then took us to a place where we could feed the clown fish and feed them. I think I saw finding Nemo at least 100 times. Im sure they were his cousins and such. Then, we took another crazy boat ride over to a swimming area where the had the largest star fish I have ever seen in my life. Some were the size of my torso. This gave us an extra hour to swim and socialize with everyone as well as take pictures. After this we headed back to the shore, where Fiona and I were burnt and ready to get home. This was a bit of a shortened story of my experience, but pictures will do more justice. I had a great time, and Fiona and I decided that our last weekend here, we want to make a final trip to the Island. We have several other excursions planned in the meantime.

As for today, we have 4 new students. Norway, Germany (American born), Japan and UK. They are all very friendly. We plan to do a movie tonight. As for now, I need to have Gertrudys rub my back side with after sun. I will be needed a lot. I also need a nap. Hope all is well. I miss everyone and will officially be returning October 16th, 3 weeks early!!!

Much Love,

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