Monday, August 16, 2010

The Atlanta Airport

Wow, I am extremely tired. My plane ride from Portland to Atlanta was horrible and the lady next to me probably wanted to slap me across the head for moving around so much. My back hurt the entire time and we had quite a bit of turbulence (as most of you know I hate flying) which did not make things better. I got to Atlanta around 6 am Eastern time and proceeded to nap on the floor until an empty seat was available. Not to mention my flight that landed was on the complete opposite side of the airport as the new flight I will be boarding shortly. And let me tell you, Atlanta airport is NOT small. I joked with my family about what my last meal would be and you will all be surprised. I figured I would have grits and gravy because it is something from the South, but turns out the only place serving breakfast on my side of the airport was McDonald's. Such a quality last meal before my trip. We are about to start boarding and my stomach is beginning to hurt. I am exhausted and not really sure of what to expect. I am experiencing a mix between anxiety and excitement. Well my dad just called, so I am off. Hope to get back on here soon! I miss everyone!!!


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