Sunday, August 22, 2010

Fiona arrives!

Today started off a little rough because I was bored. But, it got better when I got to pick up the new student from the airport! Her name is Fiona and she is from Montreal, Canada. SHE SPEAKS ENGLISH. She will be here for 2 months, and I am so excited about this. I have a feeling that we will become very good friends. I rode with her host parents to the airport today and they ate Quiznos. I was so jealous. I ate before I left or I would have gotten that or Burger King. We waited for Fiona to arrive. That took about an hour total. The whole way home from the airport, Fiona and I shared stories about each other and I think we have a lot in common! I look forward to many adventures with her. She said she has a bunch of friends that work in Punta Cana, and invited me for a weekend to go visit them there. I think I might take her up on this offer. After we arrived at her apartment, I took her to the nearest store to buy a cellphone because she was just as desperate as I was when I arrived. Except, it is Sunday here so all the stores are closed. I will help her out tomorrow. As for the rest of the day, I think I may just relax at home, do some studying and try to read more of Eat, Pray, Love. I have a feeling this week will be looking up since there will now be 2 students in the school. Talk to you all soon.


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