Friday, August 27, 2010

The day I feel in love with the DR

Hola mis amigas-

Ahhh, if I could only put into words how fabulous yesterday was. I was so busy with my adventures that I did not have enough time to blog. My day at school was just a normal one. After school, I tried a hamburger and fries from one of the fast food places on the Conde, and it was disgusting. Fiona nor I could eat it. After school, Fiona and I planned to meet up with her friends from Punta Cana. This is when the day got great. First one of her friends from a resort that she stays at met us in Gazcue to chat for a little while. He had also brought a visitor from Punta Cana with him and he was from Vegas... another American! We chatted and I later found out he is VERY familiar with Oregon, and its notorious reputation for being "wine country". I was even more surprised when he told me that Willamette Valley Vineyards had the best Pinot Noir he had tried. (Rachel, I know you would like this one) I couldn't believe he even knew the Vineyard. He truly was familiar with the Salem area. We chatted with them for a while and later met up with Fiona's friend Stefano, and two of his friends who also live in Santo Domingo. We were planning on going to the beach, but again, the weather turned bad. Stefano works at the hotel that Fiona visits and is an Italian man who is verrrry handsome and sweet. His two friends, Jean Michael and Emilie, were also great company as well. We then decided that we would head near Boca Chica to Stefano's house to hang out with his family for a while.

When we arrived at the house, I cannot put into words how amazingly stunning it was. I can honestly say that it was the most beautiful and exotic house I have ever seen. It looked like it was straight out of GIlligan's Island. Not to mention the roof was made of plan leaves. Everything was open and spacious and it had mixed country/beach theme to it. Their back gate was right on the beach, and the water was only 10 feet away. It really was a dream home I could see myself in. I really think that my dad would have loved it. On top of the house being beautiful, his family was also great. He had two little sisters who are half Dominican and half Italian. They were both beautiful. His little sister Amy was 5 years old. She loved having guests in the house because she really likes being the center of attention. She was giving us concerts, playing dress up for us, bringing us food and drinks. I really enjoyed her. We decided to make a few snacks, open a bottle of win, and sit out on the beach for a swim while the storm came in. We could see lightening in the distance, and it was amazing. It really was a great experience. I forgot to mention he had 9 dogs. It sounds a little overwhelming, but each of them had their own little hut the hang out in during the day. I liked the wiener dogs best! We ended up staying out on the beach for hours talking story and watching the sun go down and the moon rise.

At around 9, we decided to head back into town to get ready for a bar named SHOTS. The name is self explanatory, it is all they served. Fiona and I got ready quickly, and Stefano picked us back up. Last night was on of the best nights of my life. I truly fell in love with Dominican people and their culture. To just interact with them, watch how exciting they get to dance and sing to their local songs, as well as get more excited to hear American songs, and have a million shots bought for you, it was an amazing experience. And Dominicans love to take pictures with the Blackberries, which they call BB. They take them with them everywhere. It was funny to see how many of them wanted to take pictures with Fiona and I because we were white. Everyone was so generous to us, and loved to speak Spanish/English with us. We stayed at Shots until 2:30. We then all had the drunk munchies so a group of about 20 of us went to a little street restaurant and ate burgers and fries. These were way better than my last. We made it home at 3, and I stayed at Fiona's house. We could hardly get out of bed at 7:30 this morning, but it was well worth it.

I cannot put into words how much fun I had last night, but I really did. Great country, great friends, and great drinks. Nothing can compare to those, especially when combined. Today we are planning on recovering with a long nap since school is now out, and then we will get ready to celebrate Nikki's last night here in the DR. It is SO sad to see her go. She really helped me in the beginning of this experience when things were rough for me, and I cannot thank her enough. (So thank you Nikki, I love you very much). As for now, I better get my sleep on, because there is another long night ahead of us. Because like they say in the Dominican Republic, "Every night is ladies night!"


P.S. I also forgot to mention that We visited the Acropolis which is a 4 story mall outside of the city the night before last. It was there that Fiona and I got to experience the Hooters of Santo Domingo! What an experience. The days just keep getting better.

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