Tuesday, September 7, 2010

When the lights, go down, in the city...

Today we experienced our first blackout in Gazcue that lasted for nearly an hour. Que Horrible. No fans, water, lights, nada. It was miserable. Good thing Fiona and I had just went to BON to get some helado (ice cream). I also found out today that my host mom, along with a couple others, have begun to take English classes in the mornings while us students are at school. I think that this is so precious. She is trying to be able to understand English better since it is so hard for her to communicate with students who have just arrived and do not understand or speak much at all. I also found out today that Fiona and I will be taking our first trip to Punta Cana. We will take our nivel 2 test early on Thursday and head out Friday morning after we rage at SHOTS all night with our friends. What a great way to start the weekend. We will be staying in an amazing resort that Fiona plans to work in at the end of her trip. It is an all inclusive 5 star resort and this will be her 15th time visiting. (Given the number of trips she has taken, I will take her word on how amazing it is.) My plan is to lay on the beach or by the pool with unlimited drinks, food and fresh fruit and try to cover up this disgusting peel that is creeping from my back to the rest of my body. I cannot wait for all the adventures in Punta Cana. I also cannot wait to tell you all about them when I get back. Right now I need to shower since we finally have water and power, I am roasting over here. The weather was extremely hot today, and it surprised me because the Salem forecast said rain. Looks like when it cools down at home, it heats up here. Must be nice. Chat with you all soon.


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