Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Movie Night with my Girlfriend!

Fiona and I are extremely tired tonight. I am still feeling a bit ill, and earlier today we had a wonderful, yet very large, Italian lunch with some of the other students after class. Our new Italian friend recommended it. I must say, some of the best crab and tomato pasta I have ever had! I felt like I was in a food coma when I returned home today. So, we then decided to go to the air conditioned theater to watch The Last Song. It is crazy that this movie is just now coming out in theaters here. I saw it already in January or February with Lilinoe when she was visiting me last winter from Hawaii. It has been almost a year, I think for $2.75 it is worth another view because I loved it the first time. After wards, I have a little homework, a Skype date with my family and then bed. I am so excited for half of the week to be over. I decided I am taking this weekend easy and focusing on studying my verb tenses and exploring some new vocabulary. You can never learn enough! Besides, I only have 24 days left here (I am not counting or anything.) If I did not miss my family, it would be easier to stay, but I cannot go much longer without them in my life. I love them dearly! I will catch you all tomorrow.


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