Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sunday and Monday

Sorry it has been a couple days friends, I have been really busy with friends and school work. We have our test this Thursday that determines if Fiona and I will move onto nivel 3. Study study study. As for Sunday, Fiona was having a bit of a rough day so what did we decided to do... Blue Mall and Acropolis. Shopping of course! Fiona got an amazing pair of shoes and I got a dress and a skirt. Both were under $15 American dollars. We also decided to stuff our faces with some taco bell and frozen yogurt. We were definitely pretty content after our trip. We then came back and decided to watch How to Lose a Guy in 10 days. We really had a fantastic girls day and I think that it made her feel a lot better.

As for yesterday, the day seemed long. Fiona and I went and got our nails taken off which was a lot better than we had imagined. We also got another 5 dollar manicure on top of it. We tried a new Chinese food place and got a delicious taste of some pork fried rice with  chicken. The portions were huge and it was under $3. We spent most of the day watching South Park. I also received news that my sisters friend Autumn passed away in a rafting accident. I want more than nothing to be home to help her through this. I love you Rach. You are in my prayers and as for Autumn, she will be missed.

I am on my way to school this fine Tuesday morning. Who knows what is in store for later today. I will write you all soon.


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