Saturday, September 4, 2010

Our weekend at "Home"

For the record... this is how bad I am peeling. And it is only getting worse.

Now on to our weekend. Friday nights seem to be a little rough for Fiona and I. There seems to be a pattern for us to spend our saturday morning/afternoons complaining about being hot and hung over on the beach. The only thing that helps is staying in the Ocean, forever. We went to Juan Dolio today with Victor and Edwin. I think that we would have enjoyed ourselves a little more if we felt 100%. Last night we decided to go to one of my host sisters friends new bar that just opened. It was a ton of fun expect for the excessive amount of tequila, vodka and wine I drank. I really need to learn to stop mixing. We had a blast, and for the first time, I got to sing along to the songs with the locals. I have been downloading some of their music, and I really find it enjoyable. I can't wait to introduce my friends to it when I get back. After lying on the beach for 4 hours (with sunscreen this time) as well as another bottle of wine that Fiona and I refused to drink with the boys, we decided to hit up Burger King. This was also another disappointing trip. The last time we went, it was delicious. This time, horrible. The worst part about it was that Fiona and I were looking forward to it all day. We planned to go out tonight, but neither of us have been able to recover. After some dinner, a shower and a nap, I am still pooped. We are headed to get ice cream and then are coming back to my place to watch a movie. What a relaxing way to spend a Saturday night. I wish I could have joined my mother and Sue on their adventures at the duck football game. I LOVE MY DUCKS. So happy they demolished New Mexico. Well, I must meet Fiona now. I am taking advantage of this relaxing Saturday night, because something tells me it will be my last. Besides, only 6 weeks left in the DR. When you break it down, it seems like so little time. I remember wanting to go home after the first day. Now it will take a lot to get me to leave. I will stay in touch.


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