Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Just another day...

Hey All-

To finish off yesterday, the gang and I got a drink down at the corner store. The weather was fabulous. Because the hurricane is passing and another one is coming, it has been very cool and breezy. I really have been enjoying it. I also got to help my little brother with his English homework. That was a nice change, and I really enjoy it. Listening to him try to write and speak English makes me realize how silly I sound when I mess up my Spanish. Oh well, that is how you learn, right?

This morning I went to school and Fiona and I went to check out another excursion. We are planning on going on a trip through a cocoa plantation to see how chocolate is made as well as taste test all the different flavors. Because of the hurricane, the numbers are looking slim so we may have to pass up on this one for now. After school, we went to a local pool at a hotel. It was on the second floor and looked over the beach (in Santo Domingo). So far the day has been fabulous. I am about to eat dinner here shortly and then meet back up with Fiona. There is not much to write about when the days are long and uneventful. Hope all is well in the Pacific Northwest. I sure do miss home and my family! Tomorrow we are planning to see our first movie in Spanish. It is starring Michele Rodriguez, and is about the history of Santo Domingo. I will let you all know how it goes.


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