Monday, September 20, 2010

I have a legitimate reason for abandoning you all...

This last week has been an extremely hectic one. I have been extremely sick, and this is the first time I have experienced this while being so far from home. The heat and the contamination in the air did not help my breathing much. I was on the verge of having to go to the doctor, but with the help of my friends and family here, I had a ton of people buying me medicine and taking care of me. Today was the first day that I felt like I had the energy to walk to school and actually do something after.

So as for Friday I spent my entire day in bed downloading music on my iPod because I had nothing better to do. I was burning up in my room the whole time. I also took this last weekend to get caught up on all the American shows I have been missing out on. I watched Teen Mom, Gossip Girl, Keeping up with the Kardashians and Glee. I had a very relaxing evening.

The morning after, I was woken up at 8:00 AM by Fiona. She was calling to tell me that we were going to our friend Stefano's little sister's horse competition. Of course I could not turn down horses. The last time I rode horses was with my friend Mariesa in high school and then of course when my grandparents had them which was years ago. She also said after the competition we were going to head back to to country and stay with them at their house on the beach. I can never turn down Stefano's house. It is too beautiful and a wonderful break from the city. The competition was amazing. And Giulia (Stefano's sister) is incredible. She rode two of her horses and did fabulous both times. We were so proud of her. After the competition we all went back to the country to lay and swim at the beach for the rest of the night. And that evening, Sergio, Stefano's step father made us the most amazing feast imaginable! I made such delicious steaks with mushrooms and bacon in a cream sauce, freshly caught and grilled shrimp, and fried potato balls with cheese. We finished the meal with a chocolate mousse. Fiona, Sergio and I even shared a bottle of Italian wine. That night was amazing. I also played with Stefano's little sister Emi. She did my hair, makeup and nails. We really had a great time together. It is nice to hang out with her because it is very easy for me to understand her Spanish. After dinner, I had taken my medication and passed out in a spacious and cool room and woke up in the morning to the waves hitting the shore outside. For breakfast, Sergio made us everything you can possibly think of. We had cereal, not to mention four choices, grilled cheese and ham sandwiches, pancakes with honey, pineapple, coffee, etc. It was so great. After breakfast, the entire family headed back into the city for the second day of the horse competition. Fiona and I really want to ride horses before we leave after spending the weekend with them.

As for last night, I came home to find that my host brother is running for class president at his school. So my sister Patty and I decided that we wanted to help him with his campaign posters. We decided that his slogan would be, "Ayudame a Ayudarte" which in English stands for, "Help me to help you." This worked out perfect because his initials are AAA. He loved the idea. He went to school today and presented it, but we will not find out who wins until next week. I promised him that I would make him a cake to celebrate if he does win. I hope he does, because I have been craving chocolate for quite some time now.

Today after school Fiona and I went to the pool across the street. It was fun, but we grew restless quickly because the sun was not out for very long. I came home and ate some dinner and worked on some homework. Tomorrow I am the professor in our conversation class again so I had to prepare a lesson plan. Wish me luck all!

I should warn you ahead of time, I am leaving friday morning with my family and friends to Punta Cana again. Friday is a holiday, so we are taking the long weekend to enjoy ourselves. I will post a ton of pictures when I get back! Until tomorrow, I hope things are well up north. I hear there is a ton of rain... bummer. It is nice, dry and sunny down here. But I never thought I would say that I cannot wait to get back into cold weather! Take care.


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