Thursday, October 7, 2010

This could be my last post in the city..

Well I just finished school today. I passed level 4 which is simply amazing. I feel pretty confident with my Spanish, but we will have to wait and see when I return home. Right now I am about to head with Fiona to eat at our favorite Italian restaurant for the final time ever. So very exciting. I have been anticipating these lsat few days for a really long time. We were planning on taking a trip to Saona Island tomorrow, but the weather here has been too mysterious lately. We were afraid we would get rained on, so we will see how tomorrow goes, and if it is nice, spend my final day at the pool. Fiona is down to do whatever I want, so it is very nice of her to go with the flow. For the rest of the night, we are celebrating Angel and Hennesey's birthday which should be a blast. I am not sure where we are going, but we always have a good time no matter what. My final night we will be attending shots, and I will be sure to update pictures and blog in the Santo Domingo airport on Saturday morning. And who knows, after that, I may be home the next time you all hear from me! I cannot believe that the last two months has gone by this fast. It is simply crazy and I am so proud of myself for sticking with it. Thank you to all my friends and family who supported me through this when times were extremely rough. I really needed the advice that you all provided me. Special thanks to Jamie Roupp and Alex Wright. You girls helped me out a lot with stories and advice from your own personal experiences abroad! As for now, I can hear pasta screaming my name!!! Talk to you all soon!

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