Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Things are looking 2% better

Today school was so boring. I am beginning to notice it is nothing that I expected. I was hoping to be challenged a little more, but of course what you expect is never what you get. I wake up at 7:30 every morning and I do not go to bed until midnight because it is too hot to sleep and until I become restless and finally do, I just lay there. The heat again is indescribable. I probably will never adapt to it and certainly never like it. Because of my lack of sleep, the heat and all the walking I do to get anywhere combined, I want to do nothing but sleep. This leads to the massive amounts of boredom I have been experiencing.
         Tomorrow I am supposed to be going to the beach with some friends and so I am hoping that will make things a little better. We are taking a bus or taxi (whichever is available) to Juan Dolio which is the closest and beautiful beach that you can actually swim in. I have not seen a beach with sand yet. I am sure once I begin to feel comfortable venturing throughout the country, things will be good. But until then, I will still feel sorry for myself. But in all reality, this is what I chose for myself, right?
        I need to finish my homework and take a nap. I do not want to go to school tomorrow, but then again, why am I here? Oh, thats right, school. I cannot wait for the weekend so I can sleep in and attempt to have some fun. Not to mention I tried taking out 500 pesos from an ATM today and got 5000. Looks like I do not need to withdrawal money any more while I am here. Im set for life. Until next time, hasta pronto!



  1. Good morning Elle (morning in Seattle that is).

    August is the hot rainy season in the tropics but hang in there, it's almost over! Things will look up soon. I lived in south FL for 4 years so know how bad the humidity can be.

    I'm excited to hear about your beach adventures. I wish I was at the beach right now instead of work! We went from 90 to 60 in one day here. Our summer has sucked!

    Gary left this morning to move to San Jose. I'm a weepy mess. He'll be home in a few weeks to go hunting with Todd (a.k.a Russell Crowe), but it just won't be the same. Seeing his room all cleaned out just makes me sad. Well, on that happy note I better get back to work. I'm thinking of you :-)

  2. Awww, it will get better without Gary, trust me. My parents are going through a rough time right now. Especially because it is so hard for me down here. Every time I call crying my dad wants to buy me a ticket home and my mom is a weepy mess as well. At least San Jose is not that far. And it gives you an excuse to visit!

    As for me, my trip to the beach did not work today because we were trying to go to late and it is not safe to ride public transportation here after dark. The beach is about 45 minutes away from here so we will have to leave right after school one day. When things start looking up and I am more familiar with the country, I plan to do some traveling to the resort areas of the country. I am sure I will find Americans there!

    I am bummed about this weekend because my only American friend is going over to Haiti to practice her Creole. I hope that my host sisters will include e in something.

    But for now, my days are getting better. It is so great to hear from you. I love getting responses because it makes me feel like I have some support while I am here. As for now, thanks for thinking of me. I am thinking of you too. Hang in there, in one week you will feel better. XOXO

    Oh, and tell Russell hello!
